
EditArt is a generative art platform on Tezos, where collectors can become creators by co-creating a piece of art with the artist. Blossom is a free mint, available on as part of Genuary day 24. The prompt: ‘Geometric Art’. Taking the prompt as a challenge to be as organic as possible whilst using a single geometric shape, I shaped a random walk algorithm into an expression of spring. A little brightness goes a long way.

What if each particle was only a single geometric form: proof, therefore, that geometric need not mean inorganic. As Benoit put it, 'Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles', and yet here, these beautiful, blossom-laden trees are exactly that: circles, triangles, or rectangles.

The first parameter controls branch count and overall shape:

Slider 1 is sensitive: branch count sounds simple, but as the branches increase the blossoms are shared out over the new growth. Initial bloom shapes can change radically with only a slight shift in the slider value.

The second parameter controls shape type:

Slider 2 allows you to select circle, triangle or rectangle as the basic geometric shape. The last third of the slider - for the rectangle - is a double option: slide further to the right for rotated blossoms.

Rectangular blossoms in their un-rotated and rotated forms.

The third parameter controls branch life:

Each branch starts strong but slowly dwindles, bursting with life along the way. Slider 3 controls this initial energy, and the potential for blossom. Further right means longer branches and more flowers.

More flowers means more potential for colour, although this can be controlled to an extent with the fourth slider.

The fourth parameter controls colour saturation and range:

Slider 4 couldn't be simpler. Slide to the left for monochrome, and to the right for vivid, full-on colour.

So, it's pastels to the left; Technicolor™ to the right…

The fifth parameter controls variety and complexity:

Slider 5 is deceptively complex: a gateway to chaos. To the left, and branches are straight; to the right, and they curl and twist sinuously. Straight branches tend to produce clustered blossoms. Small changes can lead to diverse outcomes.

Basically, slider 5 is the equivalent of Jeff Goldblum sitting uncomfortably close to you in a 1992 Ford Explorer XLT, dripping water on the back of your hand in a disturbingly intense manner. Luckily, this way it's all oohs and aahs, and none of the running and screaming.


This piece is available here.

Source Code

Source code available on request.